Saturday, June 6, 2015

My Way: the road less taken

Is this a record? The longest and most difficult to type password for a wifi I have had to use in Spain so far.
However, an Albergue and restaurant on one of the less travelled alternate routes on the Camino Francés at a horrible little village called Calzadilla de los Hermanillos is clean, friendly and at €15 for a bed in a four person room. Terrific value. And it appears to have a popular restaurant according to my guide.

Like some west NSW town nothing much but tractors seem to move during the day. Like such a town, the soil is barely arable, struggling to grow a wheat crop. No irrigation rigs. No signs of grapes except in the glasses of the jolly drunks on the terazz discussing local politics or football(either way a subject of great passion)

Getting here was, of course, the real fun. I officially crossed the halfway mark this morning, coming into Sahagún.

Preparations  having for a local bullfight festival were underway.

And then to what turned out to be an extraordinarily convivial bar/pastry shop where a score of pilgrims where gathered tending the damage done by 400km of walking to each others feet. Those that could gave of their own stocks of bandages or rushed to the farmacia for the needed nostrums.

I gave away one of my valued souvenir koalas to the woman running the place with 110% gusto, servicing three and four customers at a time in multiple languages. She gave me a big hug and introduced me to her collection of other gift koalas. Such fun.

Posted from Lee Shipley's phone

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