Thursday, May 14, 2015

Early walk in the city of Bordeaux

Like many, I like to get out taking photos just as a town is waking.  Not only do you see the dregs of the night before but the reordering and renewal for a new day in the rays of dawn.  Bordeaux lends itself well to such a walk. Here are a few of my photos from the the week:
Trashers don't change: it is the same muck as you find in any city: liquor bottles and cans, fast food remains and crushed cigarette packs.  In Bordeaux with it sweeping public vistas, even the smallest scrap is noticeable.  No fault of the sanitation squad...despite the very early hour, the bins were already emptied. 

Walk the dog; pick up some bread

The early view from our apartment with a choice of fruit and a good coffee

Runner and cyclist


Italian liner parked in the river...the passengers are just starting to dribble out to hit the shops and take their photos

Question: why do people crush cigarette packs before throwing them away?

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