Sunday, December 8, 2019

Micro Fibres be gone!

Guppy Friend Washing BagAt least the science for microfibres seems to have nailed the issue. The serious pollution of the oceans is from synthetics going through the household washes.
Three solutions have already been devised for the clothes we already have and may purchase:
1. The Guppy Bag, a European invention is just a laundry bag. Half full and placed in the machine, it picks up most of the fibres but we have to clean the bags by handpicking the lint from the seams. Available from both Kathmandu and Patagonia for about $A45
2. A Canadian filter for the washing machine that takes out something like 75% of all the microfibres. Requires fitting and costs around $A200 from overseas
3. Cora Ball. Thrown into each wash, it picks up about 25% of the microfibre lint . Made in Vermont USA, it costs about $A60 when available
A university study said that the filter and ball can be complementary with the filter capturing the long fibres and the ball the short.

Good to see solutions being promoted but when are these stores going to stop selling the synthetics that shed the microfibres?

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