"states with higher per capita public assistance expenditures tend to have lower suicide rates. ... We also find that general state policy liberalism and the governing ideologies of state governments are linked to suicide rates. In response to a growing literature on the importance of non-political factors such as social connectedness in determining quality of life, these findings demonstrate that government policies remain important determinates as well.

"A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step" --Chinese philosopher Laozi. Likewise epics can be built out of tiny scribblings. In early 2012, I wandered Europe writing posts on what I found interesting for friends. By the end I had written the equivalent of a 1000-page book. My readers had journeyed with me and so did not ask: "how was it?" Instead we discussed what it meant. I continue scribbling. Mastodon
Friday, November 23, 2018
Something rotten in the state
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Measure for measure
A vote to be taken in Versailles on 16 November will probably redefine all the metric measurements to be based on scientifically derived constants rather than against samples held in vaults.
See full story
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Running cost of EVs
Saturday, November 3, 2018
The real Moby Dick
First seen in 1810, Mocha Dick survived over a hundred skirmishes with whalers before he was eventually killed in 1838. He was large and powerful, capable of wrecking small craft with his flukes. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/mobydick.html
Like death and taxes, the gullible are always with us
Protestors in the Capital. Now the horned man, Jacob Chansley says he’s coming to terms with events leading to the riot and asked people to ...
We make an enormous effort to collect and recycle as much as we can. We have done it for years. Even on my grand walk across the top of S...
Water fountains at Dickson College Tactical water store and cans atop Majura heights ready for a summer bushfire